Measuring Stress & Resilience

Measuring Stress & Resilience

Empowering parents, pediatricians, and communities with trusted scientific information to promote well-being in the face of adversity.
Physician sharing information with mother and baby on an ipad in a clinical setting

Over the past decade, a dedicated group of scientists, pediatric clinicians, community leaders, and parents have been working together to develop a battery of measures of stress activation and resilience in young children. Supported by generous funding from The JPB Foundation as a Research Network on Toxic Stress, the goal of this effort from its inception has been to provide credible information for clinicians and parents about the biological effects of significant adversity on the foundations of early development and lifelong health.

Intended for use in primary health care, these measures have been designed to strengthen the capacity of pediatricians to: (1) prevent, reduce, or mitigate biological disruptions of early development and health by identifying children who are experiencing elevated stress responses before overt symptoms appear; (2) evaluate the effectiveness of early interventions and inform enhanced strategies to produce greater impacts; and (3) provide credible reassurance for caregivers when their children are doing well despite experiencing adversity. 

Since activation of the stress response is an essential part of healthy development in all children, a broad-based study is currently under way to determine the “typical” range of values and identify the level at which additional evaluation is needed. Once this study has been completed, the JPB battery will be available for use as a validated screening tool to assess individual children during an office visit for primary health care. More recently, the battery is also being explored as a potential community health indicator to assess the effects of place-based interventions on stress in young children across a designated community or neighborhood.