Measuring Stress & Resilience
Over the past decade, a dedicated group of scientists, pediatric clinicians, community leaders, and parents have been working together to develop a battery of measures of stress activation and resilience in young children. Supported by generous funding from The JPB Foundation as a Research Network on Toxic Stress, the goal of this effort from its inception has been to provide credible information for clinicians and parents about the biological effects of significant adversity on the foundations of early development and lifelong health.
Intended for use in primary health care, these measures have been designed to strengthen the capacity of pediatricians to: (1) prevent, reduce, or mitigate biological disruptions of early development and health by identifying children who are experiencing elevated stress responses before overt symptoms appear; (2) evaluate the effectiveness of early interventions and inform enhanced strategies to produce greater impacts; and (3) provide credible reassurance for caregivers when their children are doing well despite experiencing adversity.
Since activation of the stress response is an essential part of healthy development in all children, a broad-based study is currently under way to determine the “typical” range of values and identify the level at which additional evaluation is needed. Once this study has been completed, the JPB battery will be available for use as a validated screening tool to assess individual children during an office visit for primary health care. More recently, the battery is also being explored as a potential community health indicator to assess the effects of place-based interventions on stress in young children across a designated community or neighborhood.
Significant early adversity is a widely recognized risk factor for problems in development and health throughout childhood, as well as higher probability of chronic disease in the adult years. That said, the complex interplay among individual differences in sensitivity to context, the diversity of experiences and exposures (both positive and negative), and age of exposure to external influences leads to significant variation in biological responses to stress.
It is well-documented that social determinants of health (SDOH), adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and other indicators of increased threat to well-being are highly correlated with early developmental problems, lower educational achievement, and chronic illnesses throughout life at a population level. Without minimizing the importance of group differences (e.g., by parent education, family income, race, or ethnicity) for setting policy priorities, SDOH and ACE scores are not valid predictors of problems at an individual level (e.g., whether a specific child who has experienced adversity will develop health problems later in life). Moreover, not all children respond to the same intervention in the same way.
The need to understand and address differences between groups as well as among individuals is vitally important. For example, racial differences in educational achievement are clearly associated with disparities in access to opportunities and protection from hardships that undermine learning. When these inequities are reduced, racial-group differences in achievement decrease and more attention can be focused on individual variation within each group. Disparities associated with race require interventions that address racism and other structural inequities; disparities associated with individual differences are best addressed through flexible services that are well-matched to the causes of the variation and delivered in the context of responsive relationships.
Working Paper #17 from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child underscores the critical importance of understanding both kinds of variation. As the biology of adversity, adaptation, and resilience continues to deepen our understanding of how experiencing adversity “gets under the skin” and “into the body,” improved capacity to measure variation in stress activation directly in individual children, as well as at a community or neighborhood level, is an idea whose time has come.
In 2015, the JPB Research Network on Toxic Stress was created as an ambitious project to engage scientists, pediatric clinicians, and community leaders as partners in the development of new measures to identify young children who show signs of being more or less sensitive to adversity than others—and thus more or less likely to develop difficulties as well as respond to interventions. This effort evolved into the Pediatric Innovation Initiative, a national network of change-makers committed to leveraging cutting-edge science, clinical expertise, and place-based wisdom to strengthen the ability to assess stress activation in pediatric primary care.
The original aims of this enhanced measurement capacity included the following:
While the determination of normative values is a critical prerequisite before the JPB Battery can be implemented as an individual-level measure in pediatric primary care practice, several national leaders of place-based initiatives have been asking how the science of ECD 2.0 might help strengthen the front end of their “cradle to career (or college) pipeline” and how they might better measure their impacts on the health and development of young children. As these conversations have continued, a growing interest has emerged in the potential use of the JPB Battery as a community health indicator to assess the effects of place-based interventions on stress activation in young children across a designated community or neighborhood. The proposed benefits of this additional application include the following:
The current version of the JPB Battery comprises 18 biological indicators (including measures of stress hormones, inflammation, and cell wear and tear) that can be assessed in samples of saliva, a cheek swab, and a small snippet of hair; a tablet-based measure of executive function skills (beginning at age 2 ½); and a questionnaire that includes parent reports about the family and neighborhood context in which the child is developing.
A study —known as Health’s Early Roots and Origins (HERO)—is currently under way to determine “normative values” for each component in the battery. Building on the shared experiences of overcoming challenges and completing successful feasibility testing in pediatric practices, the HERO Phase 3 study aims to validate and norm the battery in a nationally representative sample of young children between ages four months and five years. This effort is led by JPB Research Network members working in partnership with community-based sites across the United States. Initially designed to be conducted during pediatric primary care visits, the norming study is expanding to invite families to participate through early learning centers and place-based organizations.
When the norming study has been completed, criteria for defining the boundaries of typical variation in stress activation will be determined by age and sex, and the threshold for an elevated stress response that requires attention will be established. When those criteria have been met, the battery will be ready to use as a validated screening tool for individual assessment in pediatric primary care.
In contrast, the potential value of the battery as a community health indicator lies in its ability to measure change across a resident population after a specific place-based intervention (e.g., housing revitalization, increased availability of well-paying jobs, reduction in community violence) has been implemented. Thus, testing the battery as a community health indicator is ready to move forward on a faster timeline than for individual-level assessment—and we are currently planning to begin the collection of baseline data with a selected group of community partners.
Notwithstanding growing interest in the JPB Battery across sectors, we fully recognize the sensitive nature of collecting biological data to measure stress activation in young children and the critical importance of ensuring ethical implementation and accurate interpretation. This caution is particularly critical for Black communities, given centuries of egregious misuse of biology to advance racist ideologies, as well as deeply embedded racial inequities in the delivery of medical services today.
Guided by this awareness from its inception, the original JPB Network was launched as a partnership among scientists, pediatric clinicians, parents, and community leaders primarily from communities of color. Over the ensuing years, we have worked together vigilantly to maximize parent empowerment and prevent potential negative consequences of measuring stress effects, including inappropriate labeling of children or families.
Throughout this shared journey, we have been inspired by the way an authentic, mutual commitment to partnership has built trust, strengthened parent engagement, honored family strengths, avoided deficit thinking, and enabled continuing hard work on the challenges of shared decision-making. Over the past nine years, under the auspices of the expanded membership of the Pediatric Innovation Initiative, this effort has included ongoing engagement of community leaders and parents in many important aspects of the work, including study design, consenting procedures, response to resistance to hair sample collection, and the information needs of parents as well as clinicians. As our interactions with leaders of place-based initiatives have increased, their interest in the potential assessment of stress activation in young children as a community health indicator highlights the hunger for enhanced measurement capacity and the vital need for assuring ethical and equitable implementation.
This distinguished team of researchers from multiple universities brings wide-ranging expertise in pediatric and psychiatric research, neuroscience, genetics, epigenetics and neurogenetics, mental health, neuroinformatics, public health, and epidemiology. Collectively, members of the network have conducted extensive research on the biology of stress that has resulted in hundreds of peer-reviewed papers in top-tier scientific journals. In 2022, the group co-authored a paper laying out the scientific rationale for biological measures of stress and resilience in young children, which was published in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The active participation of pediatric clinicians in this effort has helped illuminate the realities of the healthcare environment as well as potential obstacles to widespread measurement implementation. From 2018-2021, members of this group participated in a Pediatric Innovation Cluster focused on iterative practice change. During Phases 1 and 2 of the HERO study, members of this group were the first to test the feasibility of collecting these new measures in the context of a primary care visit. Going forward, documentation of lessons learned will be critical to laying the foundation for the beneficial use of the JPB Battery more broadly in pediatric primary care.
Community leaders have been active partners in the work of the JPB Network since its creation in 2015. Augmented by the recent addition of members who bring an explicit parent lens, this group has been instrumental in illuminating the potential benefits and risks of measures of stress in young children from the perspective of parents and communities—with a particular focus on cultural considerations that require attention for families of color and other historically marginalized groups. Into the coming year, this Council will contribute to the production of user-friendly materials to guide the continuing development and future implementation of the JPB Battery, including recommendations for ensuring its equitable and ethical use. We trust that the extent to which the measurement development process has been shaped collaboratively by community leaders, clinicians, and parents, rather than driven solely by scientists, will pay significant dividends in its future implementation across a diversity of settings.
A deeply committed group of talented colleagues continue to contribute significant time and a rich diversity of expertise and experience that has been instrumental in advancing this complex agenda: